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45 - Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland

Why should people get to know me? Because they want to ☺️ I hate filling these things out. Blah...


64 - Wormbridge, Herefordshire, England

I'm, an honest, sincere and relaxed kind of guy with a good sense of humour and a positive outlook on life.


54 - Bath, Somerset, England

I am a fun, outgoing person that enjoys social activities as well as relaxing. I have a great sense of humor, I...


57 - Stroud, Gloucestershire, England

Hello and thank you for getting this far. I'm single and live with my dog in a nice Gloucestershire village and...


59 - Westminster, London, England

I am a sociable, funny and loyal guy, 6 years widowed, ready for a new love; living between Marylebone and...


46 - Rugby, Warwickshire, England

Love filling my free time with outdoor walks and mini adventures… Join a few CrossFit classes a week & always...

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Trusted by Smooth listeners looking to love life to the full.

About Smooth Singles

Welcome to Smooth Singles. We are the trusted online dating service for lovers of Smooth Radio.

At Smooth Singles, we want our members to love life to the full. Whether you love adventures or cosy nights in, with our intelligent two-way matching feature, we are confident you will find new romance, friendship or companionship.

It's safe and simple to start your search, sign up to Smooth Singles to find like-minded members and meet your perfect match today.

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Feedback from members we've helped in the past.

Thanks so very much for your prompt reply and assistance, very much appreciated!
Donna, 21 May 2024
This is great news, thanks very much for your help Have a fab day !
Sonia, 12 May 2024
Thank you. Your explanation and information is very helpful.
christine, 18 July 2024